
Early Egyptian Travel Accounts

Aldersley, Laurence, “The voyage of M. Laurence Aldersey to the cities of Alexandria and Cairo in Aegypt, Anno 1586”, in: Richard Hakluyt (ed.), The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, Vol. 6, pp. 39-46 (Glasgow 1903).

Anonymous, “Notes concerning the trades of Alger and Alexandria”, in: Richard Hakluyt (ed.), The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, Vol. 5, pp. 272-274 (Glasgow 1903).

Anonymous, “The voyage of William Long-espee, or Long-sword Erie of Salisburie into Egypt with Lewis the French king” in: Richard Hakluyt (ed.), The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, Vol. 4, pp. 353-358 (Glasgow 1903).

Antes, John, Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians; The overflowing of the Nile and its effects; with remarks on the plague, and other subjects written during a residence of twelve years in Cairo and its vicinity (London 1800).{%22panel%22:%22metadata%22,%22zoom%22:1,%22lat%22:-140.5,%22lng%22:-6}

Arkulf & Adomnanus, “Adamnani de locis sanctis libri tres”, in: Herbert Donner (ed.), Pilgerfahrt ins Heilige Land, pp. 315-421 (Stuttgart 1977).

Bale, Master, “The voyage of Athelard of Bathe to Egypt and Arabia, in the yeere of our Lord 1130” in: Richard Hakluyt (ed.), The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, Vol. 4, pp. 306-307 (Glasgow 1903).

Bernard the Wise, “Voyage of Bernard the Wise”, in: Thomas Wright (ed.), Early Tavels in Palestine, comprising the narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, De La Brocquière, and Maundrell, ed. with notes by Thomas Wright, pp. 23-31 (London 1848).

Browne, William George, Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the Year 1792 to 1798 (London 1799)

Bruyn, Cornelis de, Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn door de vermaardste deelen van Klein Asia, de eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c., mitsgaders de voornaamste steden van Aegypten, Syrien en Palestina, verrijkt met meer als 200 kopere konstplaten, Renaat J.G.A.A. Gaspar (ed.), online (2014).

Egeria, “Peregrinatio Egeriae”, in: Herbert Donner (ed.), Pilgerfahrt ins Heilige Land, pp. 82-103 (Stuttgart 1977).

Evesham, John, “The voyage passed by sea into Aegypt , by John Evesham Gentleman. Anno 1586”, in: Richard Hakluyt (ed.), The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, Vol. 6, pp. 35-39 (Glasgow 1903).

Fay, Eliza, The Original Letters from India of Mrs. Eliza Fay. A new Edition with Introduction and Notes, Walter Kelly Firminger (ed.) (Calcutta 1908).

Gregoire, Hieromoine, “Le Hieromoine Gregoire” in: Oleg Volkov (ed.), Voyageurs russes en Égypte, p. 2 (Cairo 1972).

Grethenios, Archimandrite, “Le pèlerinage de l’archimandrite Gréthénios du couvent de la Ste Vierge” in: Oleg Volkov (ed.), Voyageurs russes en Égypte, p. 1 (Cairo 1972).

Guylforde, Richard, “The Pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylforde to the Holy Land, A.D. 1506 from a copy believed to be unique, from the press of Richard Pynson”, in: Henry Ellis (ed.), Pilgrimage of Sir Richard Guylforde (London1851).

Hareborne, William, “A letter of M. William Hareborne, to M. Harvie Millers, appointing him Consul for the English nation, in Alexandria, Cairo, & other places of Egypt, in the yeere of our Lord 1583”, in: Richard Hakluyt (ed.), The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, Vol. 5, pp. 259-260 (Glasgow 1903).

Indikopleustes, Cosmas, “Geographica Christiana”, in: John Wilkinson, Jerusalem Pilgrims, pp. 73 (Warminster 1977)

Norden, Frederich Ludwig, Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Translated from the Original, published by the command of his Majesty the King of Denmark and enlarged with observations from anicent and modern authors, that have written on the antiquities of Egypt by Dr. Peter Templeman (London 1751).

Pilgrim of Piacenza, “Antonini Piacentini Itinerarium” in: Herbert Donner (ed.), Pilgerfahrt ins Heilige Land, pp. 243-295(Stuttgart 1977).

Sopfronii, „Le moin Sophroniusn in: Oleg Volkov (ed.), Voyageurs russes en Égypte, pp. 7-9 (Cairo 1972).

St. Hieronymus, Paula und Eustochium, “Hieronymus, Epitaphium S. Paulae. Epistula 108 ad Eustochium cap. 6–14”, in: Herbert Donner (ed.), Pilgerfahrt ins Heilige Land, pp. 82-103 (Stuttgart 1977).

Tafur, Pero, “Andangas e viajes de Pero Tafur por diversas partes del mundo avidos”, in: Malcolm Letts (ed.), Pero Tafur’s travels and adventures, 1435-1439, translated and edited with an introduction by Malcolm Letts (New York & London 1926).

Theodosius, “Theodosii de situ terrae sanctae” in: Herbert Donner (ed.), Pilgerfahrt ins Heilige Land, pp. 213-225(Stuttgart 1977).

Thévenot, Jean de, Voyages De Mr. De Thevenot Tant en Europe qu’en Asie & en Afrique (Paris 1689).

Vasilii, Basile the Merchant, “Le Marchand Basile” in: Oleg Volkov (ed.), Voyageurs russes en Égypte, pp. 3-4 (Cairo 1972).

Webbe, Edward, The rare and most wonderfull things which Edvv. Webbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlehem and Galely and in the landes of Iewrie, Egypt, Gracia, Russia, and Prester Iohn, vvherein is set forth his extreame slauery sustained many yeeres together in the gallies and warres of the great Turke, against the lands of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugale (London 1590)

Zeebout, Ambrosius, “Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele” in: Renaat J.G.A.A. Gaspar (ed.), Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (Hilversum 1998).